From color-bursting illustrations and culturally rich content on Mexico and the Day of the Dead, here are five reasons why every child needs to read this picture book this fall!
1) Color-bursting illustrations that will instantly transport you to Mexico.
The color-bursting pages bring Mexico's culture to life in every possible way and with every tiny little detail - vividly and accurately. This picture book might be the closest you'll ever get to Mexico from the comfort of your home. It's the ideal read for children that have friends, relatives or have been to Mexico, and for any culturally aware and curious little, wanting to learn how different children live around the world!

2) The funnest, funniest way to learn everything there is to know about the Day of the Dead.
With the Day of the Dead approaching, this is the perfect book to introduce little ones to the celebration in the most fun, funny, adventurous and unconventional way. Learn more about the celebration and explore the customs and intricacies throughout the book's text and images.

3) Perfect for siblings, or only children alike!
Adri's sensitive and loving character coupled with Tani's cheeky and outspoken voice offer the perfect brother-sister dynamic for all siblings to associate with. Is your little one an only child? This is great for them, too. Each hero is vibrant and strong, helping little ones across the board understand, identify and differentiate characters and personalities.

4) Uncover Mexico's fun facts that are hiding in the story.
At the end of the story, you can solve a witty quiz on Mexico whose answers are hiding within the pages of the story. Readers can go on a search expedition to find them and learn fun facts about Mexico and its culture!Includes a witty quiz on Mexico's fun facts with the answers hidden in the story, alongside a two-page vocabulary that will turn your littles ones into Spanish-speaking connoisseurs... well, sort of!

5) Play hide and seek with Hermelindo.
Hermelindo - possibly the cutest ajolote (axolotl) ever - is playing hide and seek with little readers in each spread of the story... EXCEPT 1! Can you spot him, every single time?